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RE: Z-S leaking fuel from the underside

To: "'Chris Fiddes'" <>,
Subject: RE: Z-S leaking fuel from the underside
From: Chris Kotting <>
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 13:12:42 -0400
Chris -

Make sure that it really is coming from the bottom plug.  I thought my 
bottom plug was leaking, but it turned out that the float bowl to body seal 
had opened up on the manifold side of the carb.  Fuel was running down that 
side of the float bowl and dripping off of the plug, which is why I thought 
at first it was the o-ring.  As it turned out, the middle screw on that 
side had loosened a bit (vibration?).  Anyway, snugging everything back up 
solved the problem.

Chris Kotting
'77 Midget

On Monday, August 24, 1998 12:32 PM, Chris Fiddes [] 
> Hi Steve and listers,
> A block from work this morning I got a noseful of gas fumes.  When
> I pulled into the garage and took a look underneath I found my ZS
> carb dripping an ungodly amount of fuel.
> I replaced the rubber o-ring on the bottom plug about a year ago
> when I had a similar problem. Given that the fuel is coming from the
> bottom plug, is this normal life expectancy for that o-ring or should
> I be looking for other problems?
> Geez, since the Challenger accident the words "failed", "o-ring",
> and "fuel" used together make me shudder.
> Thanks for the advice.
> Chris.
> '75 Midget

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