At 11:24 AM 8/18/98 EDT, wrote:
>....Do you believe the electrons that flow through a switch are the same
electrons that flow through the light bulb controlled by that switch?
Contrary to what you may believe, electricity is not a "flow" of electrons
through a wire in the same manner as a flow of water through a pipe,
although it is helpful to think of it that way when trying to understand a
Yeah, I knew that. And yes, it's helpful. It just didn't seem relevent to
the discussion at hand. Either way you look at it you get the same
results, so no need to muddy the waters with details about how one electron
moves another one.
>> This current that is coming out of the secondary winding must originate
from somewhere, as electrons are not being created out of nothingness. So
where are these electrons coming from?
>.... The electrons are always there, in the wires which make up the
windings, .... the movement of a magnetic field with respect to the wire
simply "motivates," if you will, the existing electrons to move, provided
there is a path for them to move. .... Electrons leaving one end of the
winding must/will return to the other side.
Exactly. Perhaps I didn't pose the question properly, so I will try again.
As there is a current flowing from the secondary winding across the spark
plug to ground, what path do you ascribe to that current for it to return
to the other side of the secondary winding to complete the circuit? This
was the basic question from the beginning.
>> So how about another trip to the library to find us a circuit diagram
for the ignition module for a waste spark coil? Anyone want to place a bet
on whether there's a capacitor in there?
>Not I! I don't know what's in the Crane/Allison or the pertronix unit
that lets then get by without an external capacitor. What do you think is
in there ....
I think there's a capacitor in the units you mention. Those units are used
with the single spark coil in the MG and do not constitute a waste spark
ignition system. As I previouloy stated, I think there is no capitor in
the ignition module for a waste spark ignition coil.
Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude