> Does anyone know the plans for Sunday's MG event in Lancaster? Is it a show,
> rally or swap meet or combo of all three? Do you have directions to the exact
> location. I'm thinking about driving the Midget up from Baltimore.
> Thanks,
> P. Haase
> 74 Midget
P. Haase and All"
FOllowing information provided re: "A Taste of Britain"
"A Taste Of Britain"
Sunday, August 23, 1998
Fortney Polo Field - Church Street, Rothsville, PA
Field Opens 12:00 Noon for Vehicles
Polo MAtch Starts at 2:30
Food and Drink Available
Directions: Exit 21 of PA Turnpike, SOuth on Rtt. 222, 9.5 miles to
Brownstown Exit, West on Rt. 772 for Approximately 2.5 miles, Left on
Church Street 0.4 mile, Polo Field on the Right
For further information call: Jim at (717) 292-0579 or Bruce (717
Internet: Jim - or Bruce -
Sponsored by: LANCO MG Club Inc.