Lots of free advice waiting to be sent, contact me on the above address.
Neil Cairns.
Ana Petrova wrote:
> I received this e-mail, can someone help out this young man?
> Please send replies directly to him CRHP6@aol.com
> Subject: 1970 Mg Midget
> Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 22:39:47 EDT
> From: CRHP6@aol.com
> To: cars@cyberjava.com
> My son rebuilt and restored a 70 MG Midget. Thinks he has a problem with
> compression rings. Not sure if they have set correctly. Can you put me
> in touch with anyone on the internet who might can give him some
> advice?
> Thanks.
> Ana Petrova
> http://EnglishCars.com