> > take your time and read the instructions. I was able to drill out
> > the rivets
> > on the bow and reuse the seal channel. I did get a new seal.
This all started because Caribou didn't send any installation
instructions with the top - and, as a result, I had no idea what or how
much was involved in doing it myself. I want to thank everyone who
responded - my current thought is to have someone put in on who's done
it before.
> My B had a new top put on it recently (but before I got it), when they
> drilled out the rivets, the ends stayed in the bow, and now
> they rattle when
> I turn corners. It's a very minor irritant, but I wish they
> hadn't done
> that...
I'll watch out for this - thanks for the warning.
Dan Pockrus
'74 CBB