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Re: Rear brake cylinder clips

To: Rich Mason <>
Subject: Re: Rear brake cylinder clips
From: john peloquin <>
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 12:38:22 -0700 (PDT)
Hey Rich,

That sounds MUCH easier than the BFS that I've been using for the task!

"Never Ascribe to Malice that which can be explained by Ignorance."
John J. Peloquin
Entomology, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521

On Mon, 10 Aug 1998, Rich Mason wrote:

> Hi all-
> I remember a thread on this several months ago, about how difficult it is to
> reinstall those spring clips that retain the rear brake cylinders.  Try as I
> might - I could not find the thread on my computer.  Of course - the Haynes
> had the obligatory "installation is in the reverse of removal".
> After an assortment of chisels, pry bars, pliers, hammers, even an
> adjustable metric mowog wrench, I finally found a VERY easy way to install
> those @#$* clips.  It went in so easily - that I felt obliged to pop the
> clip off again to make sure it was really in there!
> Using a bar clamp, I placed the fixed end on top of the clip.  I then
> adjusted the lower (adjustable) end up until it almost touched the back
> plate, then screwed the adjustment handle so it contacted the wheel cylinder
> body on the outboard side of the back plate.  Two turns of the handle - and
> the clip slid right into place.
> I attempted some ascii art - but really couldn't show it very well.  If you
> need a sketch - let me know and I'll put something on my web page. 
> Regards,
> Rich Mason
> '73 MGB
> Madison, AL
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