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Was:-Colortuning a 'B

Subject: Was:-Colortuning a 'B
From: John Bartholomew <>
Date: Fri, 07 Aug 1998 07:43:30 -0700
>Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 03:10:46 -0400
>From: "Mike Lishego" <>
>Subject: Colortuning a 'B - the saga continues
>    So here's my question, if you're still reading.  Is there any way to
>start over and use a methodical approach to tuning this car?  What would any
>of you do if faced with a car, fitted with fresh HIF-4's that was way out of
>tune?  Thanks for any advice, it seems the car is mad at me.  The gauges
>stopped working (again)...
>Goodnight, and thanks...
>Michael S. Lishego

        I think you need to go back to square one.......
Remove both carbs, check the float settings. If you are not sure of the
quality of the float valves...replace them.
Be sure to set the level of the floats, with the carb inverted, bottom
cover and jet removed, use a straight edge across the case of the carb and
using ONLY the weight of the float, bend the tab that holds the float valve
in place until you have 60 thou clearance between the height of the valley
in the bottom of the float and the face of the carb. This clearance has
about 30 thou tolerance I belive (check the manual). Try to get both carbs
set with the SAME clearance.
Now reassemble the carb and turn it up the correct way. Look into the
throat and with the top and piston removed, set the jet height with the
mixture screw  until the top of the jet is flush with the throat opening.
Use a straight edge, small 6 in. steel rule is a good tool. With the rule
on its edge and held against the throat above the jet, bring the jet up
until it just touches the rule.
Now adjust the mixture screw 2 1/2 turns counter clock (I think), to lower
the jet. This is your starting point for adjusting the mixture. The screw
is in the recess at the lower part of the carb, on the left of the front
carb and the right of the rear carb, it has a cross head (+) slot for the
screwdriver, which makes it easy to screw up the 2 1/2 turn setting if you
are not paying careful attention. When you have these settings set up put
the carbs back on and proceed with setting the idle adj using the top
screws on the throttle stops. You should have the synchronizer links for
the chokes and throttle loose at this point. Set your carbs for equal air
flow using the throttle stop screws. When you have these set and a
satisfactory idle adj, you can tighten the throttle sync rod clamps at each
carb.  Now you can set the choke adj and then lock their sync rod clamps. 
If you have air leaks from manifold or hoses you will have difficulty
setting everything up, so make sure all the manifold gasketing is good
before you start.  Good luck John.
***  usual disclaimers apply  ***
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1976MGB-restored; 1979MGB; 1972MGB-driver
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