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Fuel Additive Concerns

To: "MG Mailing List" <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Fuel Additive Concerns
From: "Nick Coleman" <>
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 10:53:26 -0700
I was at our local club meeting last night (San Diego MG Club) and we had a
mechanic in as our guest speaker.  One of the questions asked (which he
didn't go very far into) was on fuel additives to protect the valves/upper
cylinder head.

What are the recommendations of the list members?  I use Marvel Mystery Oil
(out of habit) and CR2 lead additive (because of price)?

Also, a side discussion started on the effects of new fuel additives being
added by the gas companies to reduce emissions.  There was concern that
these could cause leaks in fuel lines.  Any experience on this and (if true)
how to prevent it?

73 B

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