Well I'm going to try to get my '79 B smogged tommorrow.Our brilliant
politicians have re-funded smog 2 so now we have to put them on a dyno
and all that crap.I talked to a smog station operator the other day and
he told me to do it quick because they were n't testing for NOX yet they
were still getting data and they were being a little lenient right now.
He also said that if they were testing NOX at the levels required 90% of
the cars would be failing!Also I found out if you don't pass AND it's
not a gross polLuter you can get a 1 time 2 year exemption BUT you have
to spend $450 trying to get it to pass!He did say if it had 1 reason
(bad valves etc) that would cost more than $450 you could get the
exemption without having to fork out the money.So it again looks like
the middle class working slob is going to get the shaft.If you are on
welfare driving a shot smoker that needs rings and valves you get an
exemption.or you make enough to buy a new car every 3 years you don't
have to play this game BUT if you are a guy just trying to make ends
meet driving a 8~9 year old car you better have some money stashed away
to be able to drive your car.Of course the local businesses won't like
having money that you would have spent at their stores taken away.Also
the cost of the inspection has gone way up $60 for the pretest + another
$20 to do the actual test if it's going to pass + the smog certificate
so even if everything passes it's going to cost me over 90 bucks to do
something that cost $19,95 2 years ago!Be gald you don't live in
Californicate you.I can't wait til I can retire and get out of here but
by then ALL of you will be doing the same thing so be prepared!
Wish me luck,I'll let everyone know how it goes