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Re: Brakes on 69B

To: "Frank W Phillips JR" <>, mgs@Autox.Team.Net,
Subject: Re: Brakes on 69B
From: "S. L. Hower" <>
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 08:10:00 -0700

I have a set of brake lines on my 73B in stainless
steel from Classic Tube and Line.

They are a bit pricey, but they fit perfectly-
even the one that snakes around the crossmember.
Best of all, they wont rust.  They also offer
clutch lines in stainless for the B.

I am using slicone fluid and one of the flares
weeped fluid for a while.  Classic offered to send
me a replacement for free.  John Twist suggested 
that I TIGHTEN it down and it seeems to have sealed.

Also, someone mentioned that MG brakelines should
be doubleflared; not to sure about that.  Most
british lines I've seen have ISO or bubble flares
on them (pardon the cheesy ascii art):

Not this:     \\   //   But this:     /   \
                | |                   \   /
                | |                    | | 


Scott Hower ->

73 MGB
78 Midget

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Frank W Phillips JR <>
>I also wish and need to replace the pipes. I have no problem making my own
>but would like the full story and any suggestions before I start. Please let
>me know any tip/tricks you know of. Thanks in advance...
>There is as place that can bend you a set to factory specifications.
>Relative to the cost of materials it seems a little high but, of course, it
>depends how much scrap you would need before you get proficient.
>The place is:
>Classic Tube
>80 Rotech Drive
>Lancaster, NY  14086
>Bob Allen, Kansas City
>"I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." --
>Lily Tomlin and Jane Wagner

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