On Sun, 28 Jun 1998 09:48:48 -0400, "Glen Eldridge" <glenel@vif.com>
<SNIP> WD-40 was originally conceived as a means of drying out or
>rather de-moisturising wet electrical bits, especially ignition parts.
<SNIP) WD-40 was researched and patented just for that purpose (WD means
wet-dry), but has been used for an almost infinite variety of other
Not that it matters, but I heard that "WD" stands for water displacement
and "40" for the 40th formulation. What I also heard it that it and the
can's propellant can be highly flammable. So be careful spraying it
around a running engine. Otherwise, it's almost as versatile as duct tape.
67 Roadster