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was Dead B, now tuning

To: MG List <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: was Dead B, now tuning
From: "Gary A. Graham" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 23:44:10 -0400

I now have my spark back-- problem was: a) damaged wire short circuit
and b) broken white wire in harness, and c) ignition switch fault. As
two of these three were intermittent, I was quite frustrated.

NOW, I have two plugs burning very well, and the two front plugs with
much carbon build up. Does the front carb (twin SU) drive the front
plugs? What are the possible problems if I can't lean it out enough?

Thanks for all of your support, listers!

74 mgb (groggy, but running)

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