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Re: stud question -Reply

To: "Matt Kulka" <>, <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>,
Subject: Re: stud question -Reply
From: "Robert Allen" <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 11:55:46 -0500
-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Kulka <>

>Start the stud into the threads, and when you can't turn it with
>your hand, use a wrench on the outer-most nut.  Tighten it just like you
>would a bolt of that size.
>Let the Loc-Tite dry before you assemble things.
>>>> Tyson Sherman <> 06/17/98 02:03am >>>
>I was plastiguaging my main bearings today in my B, and when I was
>removing one of the nuts to the main bearing caps, a stud came out with
>the nut...

I'd like to add that you should not torque studs downs. All you want
to do is bottom them in the hole. You do not want them torqued as then you
are merely trying to pull the block apart.

Conciencious folks run a tap down the hole to clean the threads.

Hot rod folks replace the studs as they become either elastic or brittle
with age.

And a little blue Loc-Tite is a good idea.

Bob Allen, Kansas City, assorted loose studs
"Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year
ago." -- Bernard Berenson

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