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reducing collection

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: reducing collection
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 14:23:49 CST
I have had several mgs for years and would like to pare my collection 
down.  Have 53 TD 62 MGA 67 MGB roadster 73 MGB GT.  They are fun but 
have become too expensive in my declining years. would like to sell

62 MGA Mk II with extra trans    $11,500 ( any other A parts I have 
lying around.)   Runs great.

73 GT have bunch of "B" parts not from this car but would like to get 
rid of them and would let them go with the car.     $3500 .  Road 
ready new tires, paint and Moss interior.

Located in NE Arkansas   call 870-933-9674  questions answered by 

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  • reducing collection, CHARLES JOINER <=