>I originally went through the CA smog nightmare when I purchased my MG
>nearly eight years ago. At the time your car had to be '68 or before in
>order to avoid smog. In the meanwhile my pump has frozen, I put in a
>centrifugal distributor and other
>ammenities that preclude and easy resmog. Also, I moved to Portland OR
>where the registration process was much more humane. My question, then,
>is what EXACTLY will I be facing when I want to transfer my registration
>back to CA. Please don't offer
>an answer unless you have first hand experience, the DMV here is already
>obfuscated enough as it is. If I indeed have to pass another time (which
>seems silly, but in CA I would believe it), is there a maximum I need to
>spend? What are the catches
>and loopholes? Thanks,
You'll be happy to know that as of 1/1/98 CA only requires emissions
checks on vehicles
25 years old or newer. That would be the '73 model year right now, the
'74 model year next year, etc. The previous law was the 1966 model year
and newer. So my '66 MGB had to be smogged every 2 years up until this
year (yay!).
A California Resident
Max Heim
650-329-9905, 650-329-9929 fax
Studio L'Image/San Francisco
415-643-9309, 415-643-9307 fax
Studio L'Image/New York
212-242-3366, 212-242-3399 fax