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Re: Webers

To: <>, <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Webers
From: "Mike Lishego" <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 02:17:58 -0400

>I guess I am a little out of touch, but until I saw the number of posts
>regarding use of the Weber DGV carbs, I hadn't realized that so many people
>were replacing their SUs.
>I have used the DGV in the past, and while it is definitely a good carb, it
>shows no performance increase over stock (likely quite the contrary) yet
>people seem to have been drawn to them, perhaps because of the name,
>that they would add some horsepower.
>What has happened to shift so many people from the simple rebuilding of
>original carbs with readily available parts? Is it imagined power gains, or
>perceived shortage in bits for the SU, or what?

FYI:  When I bought my first MGB, the seller and the person storing the car
said "Buy a Weber."  They gave me dual SU's, but still said, "Don't rebuild
them, buy a Weber."  All the while I was working on the car, they persisted
with the Weber advice.  I caved and bought a Weber DGV from a reputable
member of this list and replaced my recently rebuilt SU's with it.

Head to head, the SU's win hands-down.  The power is better, the exhaust
note sounds better, and the originality of the 'gee-whiz' factor is better.
The SU's  also allow for better car-driver bonding while tuning.

Earlier this month, I sold the Weber.

I guess the PO's musta owned stock in the Weber corp.

Michael S. Lishego

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