Yesterday I had to stop and buy a bottle of Meguires to clean off some junk
that dripped off of a cherry tree and onto my waxed paint before it dried
too hard... so I bought a bottle of Meguires spray. YIKES! $7.00! I'd
bet the rent that the bottle cost Meguires more than the contents, but I
had to have it.
Does anyone mix their own brew for this purpose? Certainly I wouldn't
spray Fantastic on my paint, it's too caustic and destroys glass. Same
goes for Windex, as I'm sure the alcohol would eat the wax. So does anyone
know what's in Mequires spray? Or have their own formula? Distilled water
would probably work great for most little smudge problems, I guess.
Just as an aside, I hate the way it sprays out of the bottle. A hard
straight stream, and certainly not a mist. I guess they want you to use
tons of the stuff and not be able to do tiny spots, but the spray bottle
causes splash in maybe a two foot diameter. Have to switch it to a clean
Windex bottle with adjustable spout.
'62 MGA 1600 II