That is what I am figuring. I just want to get all the possible other
avenues before I jump into this. I was hoping to finish tearing down
my MGB block this weekend and have it machined next week.
So that brings me to a question about my B, anyone have suggestions on
how to remove the flywheel bolts?
I have taken a impact wrench to them, no movement. Its a new impact
wrench and I might not have it set up right, any suggestions? Already
tried soaking them with WD40!
What size is the bolt head on the crankshaft pulley (name?)? 35mm
(already tried 36mm and 1 1/4)?
Aren't cars fun? Who needs free time to relax and just drive them?
Subject: RE: Re[2]: Major coolant loss!
Author: "Nunez Eduardo" <> at Internet
Date: 6/5/98 1:21 PM
There is nothing but bad news for you.
I had the same problem with my old minivan, turned out to be bad head
gasket - the car was burning the coolant along with the fuel/air
mixture. No other telltale signs. A pressure test at the dealer while
the car was cold did not detect it, but a second test with the vehicle
warm found it - and dumped quite a bit of water into the #6 cylinder.
We were losing 1/2 gallon in about 20 minutes. There were no external
leaks present, and no water showed up in the oil until after the last
pressure test. But there were bubbles showing in the radiator while the
car was running at temp - again, after the hot pressure test but not
Similar thing with a old Celica - bad head gasket, disappearing coolant,
no traces of leaks, etc. Took the opportunity to have the rad rodded
also. Made a huge difference after the car went back together. Never
had any more heating problems.
Good luck
Ed Nunez