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Re: Faded vinyl fixes

Subject: Re: Faded vinyl fixes
From: Chuck Schaefer <>
Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 09:14:33 -0500

Not on one of my LBC's, but when I bought a tonneau for my pickup, the
sales person syayed emphatically that the guarantee was null and void if
I used anything other than plain soap and water to clean it. 
Specifically, Armor All does make them shrink!

Anyway a year later the tonneau would not fit any more. It had shrunk
and I didn't use any of the "Nasty Stuff" on it. It was past the
warranty period but the MFG'r replaced it at no charge.

 This time it didn't shrink. Maybe different lots of vinyl age

Chuck Schaefer

> Mike,
> Mike,
> Just a quck note, I had a problem about a year ago, when I
> armor all'd my boot cover.  It shrank, and would not fit at first.
>  - it took a lot of stretching, but eventually I got it to fit, but is
> still very tight.  Just be careful, I could not believe this would
> happen, but other listers confirmed it at that time.  Someone
> recommended the use of baby oil (Johnson's type) and I've been
> using that since.  The vinyl really sucks it up.  This may not help
> in your case - it kind of reconditions the dullness, but obviously
> does not color it.
> Thought this might help.
>  ----------
> From:  Mike Lishego[]
> Sent:  Thursday, June 04, 1998 11:48 AM
> To:  MG List
> Subject:  Faded vinyl fixes
> Hello all,
>     After a winter of safe storage, I pulled my tonneau's out for their
> first fittings.  None of my full tonneaus fit at all - I guess I'm going
> to
> buy a new one.  My problem is with my parade boot.  I have one that fits
> very well, without any tears or cracking, but the vinyl has faded to grey
> in
> spots.  Has anyone succeeded in getting the color back to black?  Armor
> All
> just makes it shiny...would black shoe polish work?  TIA
> Michael S. Lishego

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