Hey folks
Thrilling news for me!!! I just made a deal with a guy to buy his '62 MGA!
I'm so happy to be getting back into a British marque.
I'll be telling more when I pick up the car on Tuesday or so... but I hope
you guys remember the feeling and can bear with a "9 year old on Christmas
morning" type.
Over the years I've had a TR3 small mouth that never ran, but I was just 18
and HAD to have this toy... I bought it back then for $50 and sold it a
year later for $60, possibly making me the highest known profit on a
resale... 20%, with no other investment. That was in 1972. Then I had a
Sprite which I ran into the ground over a two year period, but had the time
of my life. Marraige got in the way of car pleasure, but after that was
over I bought a gorgeous cream-colored Fiat Spyder Turbo 2000 which I drove
from NJ to Maine, then to Florida, zig-zagged across to Ca, where I stayed
for 6 months, then up to Washington, and back across to NJ... a year long
trip that was totally fantastic. It only ate one turbo in the whole time...
earlier turbo's liked to idle/cool-down for a minimum of 10 minutes when
hot before shutting down... try THAT every time you pull into your
driveway. Finally, after several enjoyable years, I sold it in favor of a
Celica (please hold the hissing, thanks). Now, after ten years of longing,
I'm back in the saddle... or will be come Tuesday.
The MGA is in terrific condition, Fire engine red, no rust, new floors,
chrome wires with good bias plys, great black leather, discs, non-synch,
aftermarket electronic ignition installed, lots of new stuff (battery,
dashpad,) and on and on... I honestly wanted a car that was a close to
cream puff as possible. I'm happy with the idea of regular maintenance,
but don't want to restore.
That's all for now, but in the meantime, I would like to know about any and
all MG clubs (NJ area) and stuff, 'cause I want to join one or two and
really get back into a "lost love".
Hopefully, (because of a prior comitment) I'll be able to make it to the
Clinton Red Mill BritCar event on Sunday the 7th... I had almost bought a
TR3, but what he thought was a great car was somewhat exaggerated...
ahem... so I was lurking about in the Triumph list for a few weeks, and
made an acquaintence or two who will be there.
Does Rich Miller post here? He is the contact for the Clinton event. If
you're around Rich, I'd like to hear from you. I have your phone number,
but talking here would be great too.
Cheers for now,
Dave <baldycotton@mindspring.com>