I think I'm on the right track now for removing the oil press. relief
valve that is stuck in my 76 B. I started the car with the valve in
position, but with the spring removed, and the domed nut in place. I
revved it to get 50# of pressure (there's less pressure with the spring
removed), and it still wouldn't get the valve out.
So I began to thread a tap into the valve. I was able to get it out a
few millimeters farther than I could by running the engine, but it still
has a long way to go. I've got the procedure down, though.
So, my question....what would cause this in the first place. The valve
isn't old, and never gave me problems until a few weeks ago. Is there
something in my oil that happened to get stuck between the valve &
block? This isn't fun and I'd like to know how to rectify the problem so
I don't have to do this again :(
Tyson Sherman