On my '74 B, I've had this fascination with these chrome handles on the
inboard sides of my backrests. The style and position imply that they
allow some sort of adjustment in the angle of the backrest. In
execution, pushing and pulling on them only gives a bit of isometric
I haven't seen any message traffic on this issue. I wonder if any of
you have run into this. If so, is this something that generally breaks
down and stays that way? Is there a simple fix, or will I be pulling
all of the upholstery (two layers) off of the seats to find the problem?
Should I be searching the junkyards for an old Fiero?
As always,
Matt Kulka
'74 B - in eternal promise of roadworthiness.
I will say, though, that after nearly nine months since the motor came
out, I spent last Saturday putting the timing gears, front cover and
crankshaft pulley in place. I should have it running before the tires
rot off the rims.