My (old) '74, '76 & '79 (windshield installed last weekend) all have the
grommet or corner pad below the frame to body seal. So when following the
seal to the edge of the frame it should be continuous till it disappears
under the frame upright. The way the pads are made it would be difficult to
do it any other way because the pads are not purely rectangular, but have
an extention protruding at and angle that needs to go between the body and
the frame seal. Also the pads need to be installed on the correct side.
When you look at the top & bottom of the pad, the bottom is sort of
hollowed out.
Another note on the frame to body seal; The ends of the seal should be
trimmed to be flush with the edges of the uprights. This will be obvious
when looking at the bottom of the windshield frame. Have fun putting to new
seal in the channel. I must say it was the worst part of the whole job.
Hope this helps.
Good luck!
At 07:15 AM 5/14/98 -0700, Eric Zambori <> wrote:
>I have a question obout the installation of the windshield on an MGB.
>After unfurling the windshield to body seal, do the ends of the seal
>(which go under the windshield pillars) go under or over the rubber
>seals (labeled as grommets in most parts catalogs) which seal the
>pillars. I looked at about a half dozen MGS at a local repair shop and
>3 of them had the main seal under the corner seals closest to the body
>and the other 3 had the corner seals closest to the body and then the
>end of the main seal on top of that and then the windshield itself.
>My car's at the body shop being painted and I need to tell the body shop
>the proper order for when he installs it.
>Eric Zambori
>72 MGB
Steve Bettencourt
'79 MGB
Steve's HotRod World