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Re: Temp Spare for MGB

Subject: Re: Temp Spare for MGB
From: (Eric R. Stephen)
Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 21:29:29 -0400 (EDT)
I looked into this some time ago.  If memory serves me well, the 280ZX had
the same nut pattern and spacing as the MG.


>While we're on the subject of wheels, can someone recommend
>a temp/space-saver spare I can use with my MGB?  I'd like to
>save some trunk space and weight if I can.

         ' ' '          Great is the truth and mighty above all things;
      (  o   o )        It endureth and is always strong;
<---ooO---(_)---Ooo---> It liveth and conquereth for ever more.
1960 MGA Roadster       The more thou searchest, the more thou shalt marvel. 

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