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Re: Hang on for dear life!

Subject: Re: Hang on for dear life!
From: "Kai Radicke" <>
Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 16:19:39 -0400
The Paranoid Mr. Tusler scribed:

>As a sign of the times, in Sundays paper, there were 'For Sale' ads for:
>        3 XKE Jaguars
>        3 Rolls-Royces
>        1 Ferrari
>        myriad Porsches
>        NO MGS
>        NO Triumphs
>        NO other LBCs
> So HANG ON TO YOUR LBCS FOR DEAR LIFE!  We're back to the situation that
>pushed me to seek out and buy Milou eight years ago.  There are more
>'Will buy any LBC' ads than there are 'LBC For Sale' ads!

My paper (Philly Inquirer)....

9 MGs
3 TRs (including a Stag)
1 Sunbeam
1 Porsche
NO Jags
NO Rolls Royces/Bentleys
NO Ferraris

Looks like LBC buyers should come to the mid Atlantic east coast region :-)

Kai Radicke -- -- 1966 MGB @
IRC:, #inet-access (my nick: KMR or rebelgeek)

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