>From the editorial page of the April, 1998 issue of Safety Fast!
(magazine of the MG Car Club):
" We are all mortal and in time will trip off this coil. 85 year old
Beatrice Porritt went in a way she would have wished recently. A long
time owner of MGs, which she drove in the manner they should be driven,
she had to give up her last MGB when she suffered a stroke and became
confined to a home. Nothing daunted, she acquired and electric
wheelchair, and commenced to terrorise staff and residents alike with her
driving of this bolide. Unfortunately, she crashed heavily last August,
basically rolling it, and sadly succumbed to her injuries. The coroner
said ' You cannot tell individual old ladies not to hare around in their
wheel chairs' Amen to that, and to Miss Porritt for setting us all a
good example!"
Rick Morrison
74 Midget