In my non-LBC reading, I came across mentions of the following two
1) Importing or Exporting a Car. Legal documentation required...which
imports are duty-free...federal tax...emission standards...plates and standards. U.S. Customs Service, Office of Public
Information, Washington, D.C. 20229. Free.
(I recall someone asking about importing an MGF, so I thought it might be
2) Road Trip USA: Cross-Country Adventures on America's Two-Lane
Highways. Directs travelers along 11 noninterstate routes. More than 100
maps...guides to two dozen cities...toll-free numbers for hotels and road
conditions. 789 pages. Moon publications, Inc. Box 3040, Chico,
California 95927. $22.50.
(What else are you going to do with your car?)
I haven't read either one, so I can't vouch for them. Although I will
probably look for the Road Trip book in my local store.
67 B Roadster