The king pins are part of the front suspension and are the things
that turn your wheels (well not really but close enough for discussion).
Look at your wheels from behind and notice where your tie rod ends
connect. This will be your steering arm which is attached to the swivel
axle assembly (king pins) with 2 bolts.Now that you have found them you
will notice a couple of grease fittings maybe 2 or 3 depending on the car.
To grease the assemble simple connect a grease gun and give it a few
shots. If you don't have a grease gun you need to get one because they
will seize up if you don't take car of them.
On Tue, 14 Apr 1998, Gary Davis wrote:
> Greetings . . .
> What is the kingpin(s), where is it located, and how do I lubricate
> it(them)? I keep reading about them in the manauls but don't find a
> reference to their location.
> Thanks for the help - Gary Davis