These commercial brake cleaners are mostly just acetone. So you can save
$$ by buying acetone from a chemical supply house. Even if you buy it at the
hardware store you will probably still be saving money.
I have a tinof acetone in my race toolkit.
-----Original Message-----
From: Wildbil923 <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: <>
Date: Monday, March 30, 1998 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: Brake Lining Question, Perhaps A Bit Stupid.
>There are spray-type brake lining cleaners available. Most any auto parts
>store would carry them. I've used them with success in the past. If the
>linings are really soaked, however, you may need to replace them. The
>cleaner I have is by Berryman, called, simply, "BRAKE CLEANER". It's a
>volatile fluid that evaporates very quickly. When I used it last, I
>alterntely sprayed and scrubbed the linings. After a few rounds of this, I
>lightly sanded the linings. So far, there is no sign of grabbing.
>Hope this helps.
>Bill Wilkman
>1960 MGA
>1961 AH BT7
>1960 AH Sprite