well, I'm back home from Georgia Tech.
I'm going to pick up a '65 B which has been in storage for the past 14
years. The fellow had primed the body and and all the parts are in superb
condition. Of course, this doesn't include the engine, which I expect is
in horrible condition. Maybe Marvel Mystery oil can help to restore it.
A few questions for you guys:
I just rebuilt the engine in my '70 B. I want to restore the '65 and put
the engine '70 engine into the '65. I know, this is a sin, but I just
spent $1000 in parts for the engine + my sweat equity and I ain't about to
lose that money(I'm going to sell the '70 with '65 B engine ??).
Any problems that anyone can foresee? I think tach may be my problem.
I also want to put my overdrive tranny into the '65, but I hear this may
cause problems. Has anyone tried such a sinful procedure? I know that I
may need to "bash out" the inner tunnel to provide enough clearance.
Lastly, the soon to be PO has done an excellent job painting the dash. I
am considering making a template of the dash while it is still all apart
and making a nice wood trim for it. Anyone done this or have comments?
Should I; shouldn't I.
I think my primary problems will be money, since the car is apart now. I
feel that this is the time to get the job done right, so I will try to
spare no expenses.
Thanks for hearing my story