I would not set the endfloat more than about .005.
The angle of the drive gear should be set exactly as the OEM distributor.
THIS IS IMPORTANT due to the offset drive to keep the firing sequence correct.
I installed this same dizzy in my 69 GT, and it has worked flawlessly for
15 years.
Skip.................At 01:25 PM 3/10/98 EST, EMPco LWE wrote:
>Hello again
>In the last exciting eppisode I spoke of building a garage and lack of top
>Umph (technical term) in my mga.
>Thanks to all who responded to both querys.
> In order to deal with the lack of Umph I purchased a Mallory Dual Point
>distributor. Now the Machine shop (a different one than the one that
forgot to
>put in the oil pump drive!) need specs to put the drive piece on the
>distributor shaft.
>Does anyone have that info? (espacially end play) Mallory was suposed to
fax a
>sheet to the Machine shop, but hasn't done so yet. Someone out there must
>done this conversion!
>Car: 59 MGA
>Distributor part # 2332001
>Thanks to all!
>Eric Peterson