You can get Mini-light style knock-off wheels, they fit onto wire wheel =
splines but no pesky spokes to adjust, they ain't cheap, but neither is =
converting your car to rostyles. I would think that wire wheels being =
the "Character" feature that they are it probably helps with resale =
value not to convert. Simon Bosworth the year-round daily driver has =
them on his GT. Good looking too.=20
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Davis []
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 1998 4:26 PM
Subject: Another Wheel Issue
Greetings . . . .
The sun came out today in Montana, and the foot of snow we got
yesterday is starting to melt. And since you asked, we pay $1.27 for
regular unleaded at 85 octane, and we have three refineries in town. A
few months ago, it was $1.35. I think our state gasoline taxes are
second highest behind Hawaii - something like $0.22/gallon. One
hundred miles down the road in Wyoming, gas is under a dollar.
I'm a new GT owner and I appreciate all the great advice I've been
getting from the list. Can you convert from wire wheels to rostyle's or
other "lug-type" wheels? If so, is it a complicated and/or expensive
process? It seems "lug-type" wheels would be easier to maintain for a
relatively inexperienced kind-of-a-guy.
Thanks as always - Gary Davis