Yeah, that may have a lot to do with the preference noted.
Locomotion is a great motivator.
On Tue, 3 Mar 1998 12:54:16 -0500 (John
McEwen) writes:
>Of course the Midget runs.
>>Mike Lishego wrote:
>>> WSpohn4 wrote:
>>> >
>>> > A lot of stuff lately on which are the best models of Mg to own,
>so I
>>> > I'd throw my .02c worth in. If I gore your pet ox, remember, it's
>just my
>>> > opinion.<B-Blasphemy deletd>
>>> Oh boy...Do you know what a can of worms you just opened???
>>>This could
>>> surpass the Weber vs. SU thread!!! 8-)
>> I'll just pass on this one. Frankly, my rubber bumper midget is
>>a lot more dear to me than my chrome bumper B. And it gets a lot
>>more compliments and attention from passerby's as well.
>>Trevor Boicey
>>Ottawa, Canada
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