Dear Bill,
On Thu, 19 Feb 1998 wrote:
=%OAbraham are still there - best two out of three?
As far as best two out of three, the English won the last of many battles
so "the best 2 of 3" would have to go to the French, as the Brits won only
the last one- albeit the decisive battle.
Up to the plains of Abraham, they generally got their asses whipped (a
fair number of my ancestors were involved in administering the ass
whippings). Our George Washington, was humiliated by an inferior (in
numbers) French force at Fort Duquesne and sent back to New England
with a pledge never to come back, for example.
After the final defeat of the French forces, my people left for parts
west, and out of the reach of the English- which is why I am an American
=%OBill S.
"Never ascribe to Malice that which can be explained by Ignorance"
John J. Peloquin
Molecular Biology &
3205 BioSciences II
Irvine, CA 92697-3900