I think the crack is caused by the quarterlight window being too tight
against the windscreen frame thereby putting pressure on the mounting
points along the top edge of the door. This can eventually lead to a
split in the door scan. If you watch the quarterlight closely as you
close the door, you may be able to see either it, or the windsceenn
frame move as the door clicks shut. If you can see movement then the
quarterlight is very probably to close too the windscreen frame.
You can either adjust the position of the quarterlight or alternativley
trim back the rubber seal in the windscreen frame to allow the door to
close without putting pressure on the quarterlight and the door skin.
Paul Hird
In message , ken hedges <khedges@wkpower.com> said .....
>After fixing the crack once before, by adding weld material to both the
>inside and outside and cleaning off to the original body shape, the crack
>looks like it is starting to return (after 3 years).
>Question, has anyone solved this problem, is it best to add a reinforcing
>strip on the inside of the door?
>Got to get ready for spriing.
Paul Hird 1975 MGB Roadster
Berkshire, England