What you must do to register your car in Massachusettes.
1. Obtain car insurance.
2. At that time your agent will complete the RMV form and you may either
take it your self to the Registry or most agents will do it for you for a
small fee $10.00. Lines are often long but the process takes no more than
5-10 minutes.
3. If this is a permanent move you will have to pay for a title transfer.
If this is just temporary and your permananent legal residence is remaining
in Arizona you will not be required to retitle your car.
4. Once all this is done and you have your new tags on the car you will
have 10 days to have the car inspected. This will cost you $15.00. The
quality of inspection varies from location to location. Here Inspections are
done at service stations (not many left), car dealers, and indepependent
mechanics. They hanf out a sign. Ask a work associate or neighbor where
they take their car.
5. A 1974 model year car does not require emmisions testing, just safety.
They check all the usual stuff, breaks, emergency brake, lights, wipers,
horn, headlights (alignment), exhaust, and the undercarriage.
6. You can get more up to date info at http://www.magnet.state.ma.us you
also might need to obtain a Mass license, this will cost in the neigborhood
of $55.00 and is just a conversion process (no testing) involved.
7. Cost for registration of the car...I believe it is $35.00 for the tag, I
don't knoe what titles cost if you have to do that. Registrations are "life
time" here now. This just means that you only pay the tag fee once, as long
as you own the car.
If I can be of any other help please let me know.
Safety Fast !!!
Ross Overcash, 74B, NAMGBR 2-1172, Ayer MA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-mgs@autox.team.net [mailto:owner-mgs@autox.team.net]On
> Behalf Of bill and penny meyer
> Sent: Saturday, February 14, 1998 7:06 PM
> To: mgs@autox.team.net
> Subject: Massachusetts Registration
> What safety/environmental tests do I need to pass to register a 1974
> MGBGT in Mass? How tough are they? Does it depend upon where in
> Mass (I don't know where1)?
> The car is presently registered in Prescott, Az and has no air pump,
> soldered poppit valves in the carbs, etc as it has to meet no testing
> here.
> David Deutsch, thank you very much! Has anybody else been cut off
> the list lately? I didn't know if majordomo was down or what until
> David informed me he had been cut at about the same time.
> Bill
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Gentlemen!! You can't fight in here!
> This is the War Room!