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Re: Door Mounting Question

Subject: Re: Door Mounting Question
From: (michael j robson)
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 20:44:05 EST
On Thu, 12 Feb 1998 19:25:10 +0000 Paul Hunt <>

>> Gary
>If you mean what I thing you mean, that is, the heavy steel threaded 
>slabs that sit 
>in the door and to which the hinges bolt, then yes, they should be 
>loose when the 
>hinges are removed.  They are two of the many adjustments provided for 

It might bear mentioning that there are SO MANY adjustments that a
working knowledge of three dimensional chess is practically a
prerequisite for fitting a door!
God what an awful job!

mike robson
69 roadster
70 BGT
72 roadster

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