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Re: the Way Off Topic Threads

To: Dan Ray <>
Subject: Re: the Way Off Topic Threads
From: Mike Lishego <>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 23:08:39 -0800
OK, here's a good game for the OF's who can remember when most of our vintage 
autos were new...I call it the non-course.  You take a concourse (or pretty 
close) car, and place a non-standard part in it from another car.  The first 
person to 
figure out what it is wins a gold star for the day.  For example, take an early 
MGB and fit a vinyl shift boot to the car...Fit later or earlier 
gauges...Distributor from a DeLorean, etc...Sit the car out in a public area with the 
hood up 
and top down and let folks peruse the car w/o touching...A judge will be 
on-hand to 
take answers...
Michael S. Lishego
St. Andrews Presbyterian College
Elementary Education Major,
English Minor, Class of 1999
R.A. of Winston-Salem Hall

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