Ooops. Sorry Phil. It happens so often to me that I should know better.
>On 9/2/98 11:59 pm John McEwen said
>>I was pleased to see your reference to problems with wet ignition. If you
>>see Phil Rabey you might mention to him that this is what we North
>>Americans mean by "keeping to your roots" in our criticism of the MGF.
>>It's always reassuring to know that the Lucas components we have grown to
>>love and hate maintained their stout British traditions through the
>>wastelands of the '80s.
>So who is this Phil Rabey bloke? ;-)
>Phil Raby (sadly lacking an E)
>Philip Raby
>Editor, MG World
>PO Box 163, Bicester OX6 3YS, UK
>Tel: 01869 340061 Fax: 01869 340063 Mobile 0467 767361