I feel like an idiot but here goes. Burgess book on '.....power
tune....' says
plainly that the info on head modification does not apply to the A series
I thought the A series engine were fitted in the Midgets, Mini's ect. but on
comparing the photos in the book of the modified chambers of the MGB engine to
the chambers of my 1500 MGA engine I see a hell of a lot of steel that would
to be removed. I got the stuff to remove it but don't want to screw up the head
out of ignorance. I probably wouldn't go as radical as the modified photo shows
and would only polish, burette and remove a little shrouding but thought
I'd pass
it by the collective wisdom out there fkor some input. I realize that the watch
word is 'go easy' on this area but my casting is so rough that I feel some
work needs
to be done.
Any and all suggestions would be appreciated (even Barney).
Gregg Baker