The CT MG Club is the MG club in CT. We have about 350 members, and
their cars include MGs from a '34 PA to the last of the MGBs. The club is
a member of NAMBGR, and club members belong to about everything else
there is to belong to.
Monthly meetings are in Wallingford. We have regional gatherings too,
Fairfield Cty, Litchfield, New London, Middlesex and Hartford. Fairfield
has been quiet lately, I think they will get active again as the weather
warms. These regional groups meet to chatter and drive around together
and just have fun.
The Club's big event is British Cars by The Sea, June 7, at Harkness
Memorial State Park, Waterford. Last year was cold and foggy with rain
in the late afternoon. Still, at least 160 cars arrived.
If you will send me your mailing address, I'll shoot a copy of the
latest newsletter off to you.
On Tue, 3 Feb 1998 10:35:03 EST HORNERLJH@aol.com writes:
>Please send me particulars. I live in New Canaan, Fairfield County.
>Jack Horner
>1975 Midget
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