Hi all.
I have, due to some reconstruction work at my house, had some serious back log
on the restoration affairs of my TD. As I expected such a thing to happen I
filed a lot of the stuff on T series cars of the mgs mailing list. As I got some
free time, and the wheather is to cold to start on the TD, I compiled it all
into a FAQ (formerly asked questions) some 80 pages of tseries (mainly TD, but
several TC and TF stuff is also included in this compilation) questions and
answers. I did my best to delete all passages where individual persons could be
recognised, but some passages may need further adjustments. I also deleted
passages on Zappa, (the ) Cats etc.
As some of you may be interested in downloading such a file I decided to make it
available. If you have some suggestions feel free to contact me, preferably at:
I am sorry that this is a large file. It is available with anonymous FTP at :
dutcosi.ct.tudelft.nl / pub/ danko/mg-tseries/
there the following files are available in the following formats:
MGT_faq.doc word2.0 win (305 kb)
MGT_FAQ.ps postscript file (419 kb)
MGT_FAQ.ps.gz gzipped postscripts file (149 kb)
MGT_FAQ.ZIP zipped word2.0 win (134 kb)
TD-memo's.MSword5.mac copy of original file / word5.mac (300 kb)
TD-memo's.MSword5.mac.gz gzipped copy of original file / word5.mac (122 kb)
Hope this may help to keep them rolling
Danko Roozemond
Please feel free to reply to d.roozemond@ct.tudelft.nl
MG TD '53 (to become toy after (DIY) restauration)
FIAT 500 '69 (small, utterly slow : 56 mph max, though good fun to drive)
MG BGT '72 (the real daily driver)