well looks like our mail server is up and runnin' again.........where do i =
get the Mobil poster?.......and when i sporatically got mail i thought =
"Allen " humor was Bob Allen humor ............what have i missed Frank =
Zappa?.....more cat uses......how 'bout use 'em for a beer or ale =
coaster?...my bride made me take the 741/2 down to only 2 concrete blocks =
high to prevent the son from testing anti gravity/gravity....pushed the 72 =
Tourer to its final resting spot in the woods.....workin' on theC's =
rack....got Blue Chow puppies for sale,and some Cinnamons......some how =
wife is pregnant again........i need to take Cho-San and my self to the =
vet to be neutered................missed ya'll! ...who loves ya' , =
baby?...... =