Haynes publish's an excelent manual and it is available it Barnes and Noble
book stores if your local auto parts can't or won't get it for you. There
is also an excellent manual by Bently titled "The Complete Official MGB
1962-1974". I own and use both.
Safety Fast !!!
Ross Overcash, 74B, NAMGBR 2-1172, Ayer MA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-mgs@autox.team.net [mailto:owner-mgs@autox.team.net]On
> Behalf Of TBarn1895
> Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 1998 9:01 PM
> To: mgs@autox.team.net
> Cc: dalbert@lynx.neu.edu
> Subject: Repair manuals
> Hello all-
> I am very new to the world of MG ownership, as well as to the list. I
> recently bought a 73 MGB, not running, and figure this is the best place
> get advice. For starters, how about the name of a good repair manual?
> Tom Barnett