At 04:14 PM 1/25/98 -0600, DANIEL RAY wrote:
>I like it! Some may not. I think its at least food for thought on the
asking prices for our vehicles, some ridiculous on both ends of the
spectrum! Probably irk our Brit friends on the relatively low prices, eh,
>Not sure if DC/MD/VA is a good average. I learned that prices vary by
region in my quest!
>'73 B
I like the idea, too, Dan, and Sean....
I don't know about price averages of MGs in the CD/MD/VA area, but... I do
know the prices Sean cited from the post are about 1/2 what people here in
the "sticks" think their cars are worth! Of course we don't see that many
advertised around here (San Antonio) anyway...
So... I s'pose it depends on whether you a'buyin' or a'sellin'!
PS: Sean what's the going price on a decent, needs paint 2nd-owner VW bug??
>From: Sean Bartnik
>Sent: Sunday, January 25, 1998 2:00 PM
>Subject: Sunday Washington Post Classifieds
>Hey all,
>This is something I do on the VW lists I'm on. I post the relevant
>classified ads from the Sunday Washington Post. If this is a problem
>please let me know and I won't do it anymore. Since this is the
>Washington Post, all cars are more than likely in the Washington D.C.
>Only a couple MGs this week:
>'72 Midget, garaged, as is, $2500. 202-686-0420 evenings.
>'52 TD, red/red, excellent, some spares. Best offer. 703-524-1637.
>'79 Midget, recent top and battery, some rust, yellow/orange with black
>interior. $1250, must sell. 703-321-9260
>Sean Bartnik