Hey Bob, those engines wear a lot when driven constantly at 5,000 rpm. We
all know how Austins were geared - to the moon. If I toured with mine I'd
probably bend a pushrod in 500 miles because of valve recession.
>Rick Feibusch wrote:
>> This was so cool that I had to share it with the rest of you out there.
>> Rick Feibusch - Venice, CA
>> >> Hello
>> >>
>> >> I'm an elderly chap who drives an elderly car (Riley 9). Has anybody any
>> ideas/suggestions/comments on what to do when the sale of four star petrol
>> is finally stopped in the UK? Some say it will continue to be sold for a
>> while, but almost certainly not in my remote area. Valve seat inserts seem
>> to be the only long term option, so any advice would be welcomed.
>> >>
>> >
>> >Geoff,
>> >
>> Dear Geoff.
>> I think all of our British friends should realize that now that their cars
>> won't run on unleaded, that they ship them to us in the colonies at half
>> price, before they are worth nothing in Britain. There are a few pre war
>> models I would ,through the goodness of my heart, take off their hands. We,
>> in the States are so stupid, we haven't noticed that the cars will not run
>> on unleaded, even though we have been usung it for two decades.
>> I am sure there are others on this list that would come to the aid of our
>> friends across the pond in a like manner.Email me for shipping instructions.
>> Mike
> Funny, I did 1 nice long trip in my Austin 1800 and caused such bad valve
>seat recession that my engine would barely run and I had 80 PSI compression :(
>It's in the Process of being rebuilt this time with a efi setup and hardened
>valve seats and valves.