I wonder if this is the same model I saw at Belieau (sp?) several years
ago. As I recall it was about 15 - 18 inches long, and light blue in color.
It certainly looked like it was an original but I don't recall any markings
being present on it. It was a nice looking model but not highly detailed
like we're use to seeing. It was also quite pricy as I recall.
Alan Pfau
original mg prototype
i am looking to sell an original mg prototype for the mgb.
this is one of the original scale models of the car and it is the perfect
adition to any colection.
Contact: todd becker <tb1163@messiah.edu>
sparta, New Jersey, USA
Tel: 973-796-4358
Advert placed 16-Jan-1998 at 04:47 (UK time) Advert expires 13-Feb-1998
Interesting? True? Hype? why would an MGB prototype find its way to NJ?
Maybe Deutsch could get on this one ;-)
As usual I have nothing to do with the sale of this vehicle, just thought
was interesting...
Kai Radicke - kmr@pil.net