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Re: Rubber Bumpers MGs and the complainers

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Rubber Bumpers MGs and the complainers
From: (Ken Roach)
Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1998 07:09:03 GMT
On Wed, 31 Dec 1997 09:33:14 -0600, Jay wrote:

>If one were to purchase a later model B and upgrade like Ken Roach says,=
>you would have spent way more than if you just purchased a nice chrome
>bumper ed car in the first place:
>Replacing front cross member
>"Ron Hopkinson" style sway bar
Well....I haven't priced out used crossmembers lately but the sway bar
kit costs around 100 pounds (about $250.00 Canadian, not sure in US$).

>I have no problem with rubber bumper Bs.  It's just fact that the chrome
>models are better; hands down.=20
Dollar for dollar I would chose chrome any time as well.  The point I
was trying to make is that rubber bumper B's are not the horrible
pieces of cr*p that a lot of people make them out to be. =20
>Of course, all of the above statements are fact and no opinion; we
>all know the MGA is the most beautiful car British Leyland made.  Now,
>somebody sell
>me one.  I've have yet to gather the guts to ask my co-worker to sell me=
>'59 MGA.  Red and needs a lot of TLC.  My heart aches now I know it will
>never be.
The MGA is certainly right on the mark as styling goes.  I'm not sure
what it is but these cars just get more and more beautiful the more I
look at them.  Now I've done it!  I really REALLY want one!

Ken Roach

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