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Re: Help

Subject: Re: Help
From: Teacher122 <>
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 14:09:24 EST
In a message dated 97-12-24 10:46:31 EST, writes:

<< I have a small problem.  Last night I was driving my 1970
 MGB daily driver home for Christmas in the rain.  To make a long story
 short, I hydroplaned into a 1995 Crown Victoria.  The Vic was barely
 scratched but Betty, my beautiful B is a foot shorter then she was two
 days ago. .  

The engine is
 still strong and I was able to finish my journey to my parents.  I
 checked this morning, she's still not leaking anything not even a drop
 of oil.  
 Matt Grygar
 One Beautiful, but hurt, 1970 MG   >>


Count your blessings, you now qualify for the Midget list!

Merry Christmas,

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