At 10:03 PM 12/15/97 -0800, Skye Poier wrote:
>Okay, this thread on "Whats the best" caught my attention since I haven't
>really committed to purchacing a particular year yet :) I must admit the
>recessed grille is pretty cool. But I have yet to find some pictures from
>the back! I want to see this split bumper, someone help me out?
> __ __ __ "The problem is not whether the song
>| |--. _ .-----.|__|.--| |.-----. will continue, but whether a dark
>| _ | |_| |__ --|| || _ || -__| space can be found where the notes
>|_____| |_____||__||_____||_____| can resonate" -- Rilke
Welp...I'll be taking some pictures of mine pretty soon, but I just haven't
had the chance to take them (and then I'll have to scan them).
I do plan on doing it sometime soon, and I'll put them on a homepage. I'll
let you all know when I get it up. :)
Oh...the split bumper looks nice.
Blake Wylie
1970 MGB